
Can I order in Switzerland? Europe? Rest of the world?
Yes but we depend of the Swiss law, we do not know the laws in your country and we are not responsable in case you import it.

Analysed products ? 
Yes, we do analyse our product by Swiss and French laboratory.

Is there a tracking number ?
Yes, as soon as your order is shipped, your get your tracking number

Discret delivery ?
Yes, no sign of goldbar420 on your package

Did no received it ? 
We will check why you did not get it, if it’s cause of a lost, we will replace it.

How works an order ? 
As soon as you paid it, we will work on your package and post it as soon as possible. 

How can i pay ? Is it safe?
It’s totally safe, Cards, bank transfer, Twint and bitcoin

​In how long will it take to receive my order?

Switzerland: 2 days

Europe: 2 to 5 days

Rest of the world: 5 to 15 days

Is it some legal cannabis ?
Yes we are under the Swiss law and we respect it. 

What is the CBD ?

CBD (cannabidiol) is a cannabinoid found naturally in cannabis, legal or illegal.

It is the most studied cannabinoid in medical and pharmaceutical circles. Cannabidiol is not a psychotropic drug, so it does not cause any psychoactive effects.

What is the THC ?

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the most common cannabinoid in the cannabis plant.

It has psychoactive properties affecting the psyche and modifying the cerebral rhythm. In Switzerland, since THC is considered a narcotic, a cannabis flower containing more than 1% THC is illegal.