After that of the National, the State Public Health Commission has broadly agreed to regulate the cannabis market.

The way is clear: parliamentarians can now prepare the law that will “lift the ban on cannabis and completely review the regulations relating to its cultivation, production, trade and consumption”. The Public Health Commission of the Council of States voted 9 votes in favor and 2 against in favor of the parliamentary initiative which aims to regulate the market, a few months after a (tighter) vote by the same National Commission.

“Dry up the black market”
The Commission of States therefore wants to deal with the problem as a whole. “Care will have to be taken to stem the black market and ensure that only cannabis whose quality has been checked is available,” she said in her press release released Tuesday afternoon.

The initiative accepted by the committees speaks of “introducing a tax and regulating advertising, draining the black market by removing prohibition and regulating production intended for personal use”. The protection of minors must be considered a priority, the text still says.

From now on, the National Health Committee will have to get down to writing the law which will then be submitted again to both chambers in plenum. Given the votes of elected committee members and the positions of the various parties, the proposal has the potential to be accepted.